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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Welcome to Stop and Smell the Books!

Well, hey there!

I'm glad you've stopped by to smell the books. We will be doing a lot of book smelling, reading, and discussing in this spot on the internet!

In this day and age, we are very accustomed to technology and media. Despite our love of everything digital, real paper books and stories are one of the founding types of all media content. 

I have always loved books, starting from a very young age. My dad would read the Hobbit and Narnia to me as a kid and I used to visit the library often. I didn't have a computer or a phone as a young person, so everything I did to entertain myself had to revolve around books.

My love of books has only grown since I've gotten older. Despite this, it's the norm for people my age to avoid books or think them boring. Through this blog, I hope I am able to convince our technology-saturated world to appreciate books and maybe even pick up a few! You're never too old to start reading.

You will also be able to become familiar with reading today. I will be giving advice to other readers about utilizing different media in order to have a better reading experience. I’ll be talking about things like Goodreads, Booktube, reading conventions, and many more outlets for readers to connect with other readers and to find out about new things to read.

Overall, I hope you will find this blog to shine a positive light on reading. Let’s take a step away from our technology and crazy lives to stop and smell the books.

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